A full-mouth reconstruction is a challenging treatment modality. Your entire dentition is reconstructed. Your dentist needs to thoroughly understand every aspect of the dentition, its relationship to the jaw joints, and the functional interactions of the masticator (chewing) muscles. At the dentists, a full-mouth reconstruction approaches the oral cavity truly holistically. It leads to complete rehabilitation of the whole mouth.
Factors such as “height of your bite,” “correct placement of your jaws,” “speech,” “muscle tone,” and “equilibrated bite” as well as a beautiful smile are essential elements of a full-mouth reconstruction.
Patients requiring a full mouth reconstruction will exhibit significant loss of tooth their structure resulting in a ‘collapsing bite’. Specific clinical findings in an extremely worn dentition may vary widely and are often confusing. The causes of these findings vary from severe wear of teeth to broken and weakened teeth from too many fillings to acid erosion. The location of the wear, the accompanying symptoms, and signs, and the information gained from you at your initial consultation are essential components in determining the cause of a collapsed bite.
Excessive wear is often caused by hyperactive chewing muscles and results in damage to the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This, in turn, can cause a deterioration of the structure of the front teeth, which leads to an appearance problem as well as problems with speech. This combined with teeth that are already weakened by having large fillings in them leads to further collapsing of your bite.
This happens because of the constant attack of teeth from acid. These risks are for people who suffer from:
It is usually a combination of severe wear factors and acid erosion that leads to substantial loss of tooth structure.
Many aspects and benefits of a full-mouth reconstruction are covered in the page of smile makeovers. But instead of usually only assessing your front teeth for correction your whole dentition is assessed.